The founder of Livestock Industry Foundation for Africa (LIFA) in person of Dr Stephen Adejoro duly gave a zoom presentation on: “The Update of Avian Influenza (AI) in Nigeria; LIFA Perspective and Recommendations“. The webinar program organized on the 17th August, 2021 by the Poultry Association of Nigeria, Oyo State Chapter recorded over hundred poultry farmers in attendance across the geographical zones of Nigeria.

Dr Adejoro started his presentation on the review in one of his papers published on Engormix in 2007. He reviewed that;
- Compensation may not be sustainable in a monolithic resource economy (As in the case of Nigeria)
- Vaccination is not the initial cause of AI but remain a valuable tool if used wisely under a properly formulated policy for a national control with cost and public health implications that will be more advantageous to the entire society.

He draws the attention of the participants to the study conducted by LIFA on the epidemiology, economic and socio implications of AI outbreaks in Nigeria from 2006 to 2019. He reported that 28 LGA was affected in the first shock (2006 – 2008), 114 LGA in the second shock (2015 – 2016) and 115 LGA in the third shock (2017 – 2019), while the direct loss in the first, second and third shocks are; ₦1,175,542,490, ₦8,962,752,953, and ₦22,800,719,199 respectively.

Dr Adejoro why given his presentation reported Oyo State AI surveillance team observations in most the affected farms visited. It was reported that;
- Dead and infected birds are not well deposited by farmers
- Some farms were infected from feed miller centers due to exchange of bags
- Lack of proper farm records
- Lack of proper biosecurity measures
In his presentation, he stressed out the impact of migratory birds on the spread of AI in Nigeria. he reported that scientist believe that migratory birds which became susceptible spread infections as they overwinter into tropics (Olsen et al, 2006). More so, he reported that there are eight migratory routes in the World of which three cut across Africa with one featuring predominantly and vertically across the Northern part of Nigeria.

He further discusses that to mitigate the Nigeria risk to the spread of AI through migratory birds, the following must be looked into;

- Constant or surveillance study on migratory birds in Nigeria
- Conducting zero epidemiological studies of the migratory birds in various ecology cones of Nigeria
- Quantification of the outcome of the study on state basis
- Creating an epidemiological risk map for decision makers
He recommends that:
- Heavy funding of Vom and other research Institute for fast and easy diagnosis of AI stereotype and the manufacturing of such vaccines in Nigeria.
- That category of poultry investor exempted from the new government compensatory policy should be allowed to adopt a mixed prophylactics strategies of biosecurity, education, insurance and vaccination
- Such vaccine must be approved by veterinary department, Ministry of Agriculture prior to any importation and NAFDAC notification of such approval must be part of import policy
- For Nigeria to prevent further fast spread of AI to her marginal risky state such state should be allowed to practice ring vaccination immediately an outbreak is announced in the state.
Dr Adejoro, thereby concluded that before Vom arrives at her own vaccines production, imported vaccines of the strains identified in Nigeria must be allowed on import license by the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Veterinary services while NAFDAC and customs should be duly notified before importation.
He therefore notifies the participants that Avian Influenza has come to stay with us in Nigeria like several other diseases that are now vaccinated by farmers to stabilize their investment.
Kindly click on the link to watch Dr Adejoro Presentation (
The Poultry Association of Nigeria, Oyo Chapter appreciate the valuable contribution of Dr Stephen Adejoro for his remarkable contribution to the poultry industry. Attached below is the letter of appreciation received by LIFA from PAN Oyo State Chapter.