Poultry production is economically important Worldwide and it’s a cornerstone for the improvement of livelihood of populations in developing countries. It has been a feature of human society for several years and it’s the most feasible and sustainable of all meat and protein production systems. Poultry plays an important role in the livelihood of rural communities in developing countries.

To make poultry production projects viable there is a need to have a strong effort of education and training in poultry sector. Several reports shows that the level of productivity in many developing countries is so poor that it is not viable and capable of feeding an increasing urbanized population. Hence, there is a need for all stakeholders for active participation in strengthening and improving the knowledge in the development of poultry industry.
The World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (WVEPAH) is a fully independent non-profit organization developing poultry veterinary courses in many countries in English, French and Spanish. WVEPAH training program aims at improving the practical skills of poultry veterinarians.

Due to the global health situation and travel restrictions, the organization has rebranded her training courses to be an online live session from June 1st to October 29th, 2021 with the same quality of certificate issued to participants now at a cheaper fee. This certificate qualifies successful participant to become an international poultry consultant acceptable all over the World because of OIE verification.

Livestock Industry Foundation for Africa (LIFA) started to partner with WVEPAH since last year when the first training courses started at Nairobi, Kenya.
The training for this session will be an overview of important infectious and non-infectious diseases at different stages of the egg layer’s productions process. Participants will be trained to work up and solve common problems. The course will lay the foundation for more in-depth studies on specific subjects covered in follow up courses.
The course will be held in English Language by a team of World class course masters. The students will be provided 8 – 10 hours block of pre-recorded lessons followed by a 2 hours session with the teachers via Zoom.
The courses are open to students of all nationalities and not restricted to a geographical area. The course is in full support of the OIE (World Organization for Animal Health). The constant concern for the WVEPAH is to offer participants the best training at the best cost.
More information can be obtained at: www.wvepah.net or info@wvepah.org
I’m currently learning poultry farm products with IITA under master card FOUNDATION
This is a good initiative. Kudos to LIFA
Thank you Dr ,you may help us share to many Veterinarians and Animal scientist
I will like to be enrolled for training.when will the next enrollment going to commence?
This is very interesting and a welcome development sir, kudos to you and your team sir.
Good one. How can I enrol in the program
Visit http://www.wvepah.net to register
You can click on the link provided
Dr.please visit the website if the Organizations and apply,It is very direct and easy to fill
You are then linked directly to the Organizations
I wish you good luck
Click on their site provided and register your interest
They will enroll you after payment
This is a good development. However I want to ask if this could be of benefit for someone not a veterinarian but practicing livestock production. Eg. I studied Agricultural Economics but I have been into poultry and fisheries for close to two decades now.
Yes, you can apply to enhance knowledge but are not included in the examination and certification, but can participate fully.
Can someone who is not a veterinarian partake in the online course?
Yes, It is an online training accredited by OIE for a few weeks that qualify participants to obtains an international certificate on Poultry production and the certificate is acceptable any where in the World to work.
Vet and Animal scientist are qualified to take an examination after the training and secure a Diploma certificate by the university of Luxembourg.
Others can take the course to enhance knowledge but are not included in the examination and certificatition, but can participate fully.
LIFA is contracted to make the publicity in Africa.
Several interested applicants have applied from several countries in Africa.
You can nominate any of your good staff to apply as it will not affect routine work.
Before Covid-19 candidates have to travel to the country of choice for the training.
Now the course is cheaper and the certificate is still of same standard and recognition.
To register, click on their link provided (www.wvepah.net) and fill the form and they will you feed back.
This is great will go a long way to go e the much needed support to the Industry