LIFA has identified this breed of chicken as a unique chicken type and we are ready to collaborate with private organizations or individuals to teach and empower rural communities…

Globally, animal protein consumption has steadily increased. In the last five years, beef consumption has been up only slightly. Pork is the number one animal protein consumed around the world; however, the FAO predicts chicken will overtake pork as the most consumed animal protein by 2020. Consumption is driven by poultry’s lower cost and demographic interests that fit with this meat.
Nigeria is no doubt increasing in population. The Nigeria National Bureau of Statistics in 2012 pegged the total population of Nigerian citizens around 166.2 million people. In 2016, it was estimated to have over 178.5 million people although United Nations projections have placed the population as high as 186 million. Meanwhile, rural population in Nigeria was reported at 95,604,255 in 2016, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators.
Poultry production is fast growing in Nigeria as it is significantly contributing to animal protein source of the Nigerian population. Farmers keep birds for different purpose; mostly for meat and egg. Meat and egg are rich source of animal protein and can adequately combat the problem of malnutrition. Most farmers keep broiler for the purpose of meat while pullets are kept for egg production. Cockrel and pullet can also supply meat but cannot be compared to broiler in terms of time of production.
With the increasing population in Nigeria, there is need to fast track the process of poultry production especially meat and egg so as to meet up with protein needs of the population. There is need for a low cost feed input breed with increased output of meat and egg production. To achieve this, a dual purpose chicken breed like Noiler is unavoidable.

Noiler is a dual purpose breed of chicken developed in Nigeria by a noble hatchery; Amo Farm Sieberer Hatchery. The hatchery still stands as the sole producer of Noiler in Nigeria. A similar breed of chicken known as kuroiler is said to have been developed in India and already introduced in Uganda with prolific meat and egg production.
Noiler is suitable for rural communities and small holder farmers and can address the challenges of animal food insecurity. It can also help to solve problems of financial challenges as Noiler production is very profitable.
“The birds can easily substitute local chickens as testimonies from my buyers were encouraging”
Noiler chickens are good for rural farmers and small holder farmers. “The birds can easily substitute local chickens as testimonies from my buyers were encouraging” said a local Noiler producer from Ijebu-Ode. He is also LIFA’s dedicated member. He had earlier supplied his customers with Noilers at 5 weeks of age and on one of his visit to the customer, he recorded that his customer loved the birds and reported that the same birds do well with or without compounded feed ration. The customer also said the female Noilers lay eggs for her home consumption.

The Market women are not left out as they also look forward to selling such type of chicken breed due to its rapid growth and low cost inputs compared to the local chicken. They asked if they can always get supply at 5 weeks intervals. They also confirmed that the Noilers are less vulnerable to diseases compared to the local birds and other breeds as it is commonly expected of them to treat other breeds with varying drugs and or vaccine as prophylaxis.
One buyer from Lagos seems not to like it at first but gave it a trial and bought the Noilers along with some few broilers. Few weeks along the rearing period, he called to show regrets that he could have purchased more of the Noilers than the broilers and also ought to have selected the females more than the males as the females tends to lay eggs for the family despite unstable feed ration.

The local producer is now a mother unit breeder in Ijebu ode and has been motivated to design hand bills to further introduce and raise awareness on Noiler rearing by local stead and market women. Just last week he called to confirm the purchase of a new batch of Noiler day old chicks as his awareness has stimulated the interest of some committed buyers.Amo Noiler can be used to empower the rural communities and has been identified as a great breed for livestock mixed portfolio for LIFA’s project. The chicken breed is bred to survive on free range system while scavenging on waste from farms and household yet producing quality meat and egg. The egg yolk is golden yellow with good quality shell. Likewise, the meat is tender with numerous meat to bone ratio.

Special unique features of Noiler includes high resistance to common diseases, heat tolerance, low feed input cost, minimum labour cost and extreme hardiness. The chicken type can help increase protein intake for rural communities and also generate additional income if well managed both in commercial and subsistence poultry farming.

LIFA has identified this breed of chicken as a unique chicken type and we are ready to collaborate with private organizations or individuals to teach and empower rural communities especially youths on how to gain meaniful employments through a livestock mixed portfolio of cattle and Noiler chicken. We seek your support for immediate intervention in ensuring food security.
Where and how can I get a supply of Noiler breed? Cost?
where can I get d day old for my farm
What is d maturity time of noiler
Great presentation however pls let’s have a contact of who to relate with as am dead interested. Will appreciate if I can be contacted in Ernest.
Kind regards.
Akintola Olugbenga Christopher
Gbenga ,many thanks for showing interest in LIFA initiatives in Africa,kindly be in contact with the NGO secretary for further details and receive answers to your questions
The Secretary contact is Dr Shola Ogunsanta
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Please try reach me with your contact address how i get noiler birds in Nigeria.
Here is my 08050933659 /08182903539
I have consistently purchased day old Noiler from Amo every four weeks to sell for consumers and can testify to the story. I came across the Noiler full grown bird over a year ago in Abeokuta, Ogun State and was attracted to its size. I introduced the bird to farmer who raised it for sale in 2017 Christmas and she vowed never to raise broiler again; those who bought from her to eat kept calling. I raise to 4 weeks for sale and response has been encouraging. However, the cost of its day old has continued to increase due to demand. I encourage everyone to give a try.
Can I have the contact person in Amo hatchery.
Am in interested in this noiler birds, pls I need who to contact phone number
how can I get a buyer?
how can I be a Noiler company markerter
Where are you based?