Livestock Industry Foundation for Africa (LIFA) still in her quest to share and improve livestock oriented knowledge announces her collaboration with World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (WVEPAH). This collaboration aims to promote WVEPAH works and activities of offering high quality continuing education in the field of production animals, for professionals with either a veterinary or agricultural science background.
WVEPAH was inspired by the experience from European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies (ESAVS) which supported the concept of veterinary specialization by offering high quality continuing education as a recruitment platform for future specialists. The education was based on companion animals. WVEPAH however focuses on education in the field of animal production other than companion animals.
WVEPAH was created with support of the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) which is the World Organization for Animal Health and synonymous to “Human” World Health Organization (WHO). It offers training programs in the field of production animals in order to improve knowledge of professionals in this field and also to allow them a better implementation of the “OIE recommendations”. Participants, being experts already, may improve their know-how and knowledge in all aspects of their area of expertise. The aim is that upon their return they can apply it in their daily practice, at university or in their company.
Participants aiming to have their acquired learning validated by University degrees may take the internationally recognized Certificate and / or Master examinations of the Luxemburg University validated at a worldwide level by the OIE.
The WVEPAH is a continuing education organization. It recruits expert teachers and students, provides full logistic support (registration, course location, management etc.) in cooperation with the Luxemburg University responsible for ensuring the quality standard.

LIFA will promote series of courses organized by WVEPAH through advertisement on her platforms, showcasing the importance of the certificates validated by OIE and guiding participants on attending courses organized by WVEPAH.
LIFA will continue to improve livestock knowledge by collaborating with related organization to improve knowledge in livestock health and production towards a more improved livelihood.